For this project, I had to create an animation for the RSA 2020 brief. I chose to animate to the audio by Roman Krznaric. I researched Krznaric and listened to his audio multiple times, taking notes of the imagery and themes he spoke about. I decided to base my RSA project around the visual concept of puzzles, being drawn in particular to the myth of Ariadne's thread and the labyrinth. I wanted my piece to focus on lines mostly and therefore took quite a minimalist approach.
I chose a limited colour palette and planned out how the scenes would each flow into each other. I at first wanted a textured background which would create a boil effect but I felt it was too distracting as I wanted the focus to be on the line. I drew out all my sequences in full in illustrator before bringing them into Adobe After Effects to animate them.
RSA Project

RSA Project
